Friday, 11 April 2014

Introducing... Pray, Play, Learn

As Salaamu Alaykum

Long, long ago, when I was a little girl, I used to go to preschool.  I loved preschool. It was so much fun; the painting, the playing the different activities... I looked forward to it everyday.  Then I started madressah, and whilst I enjoyed it and learnt a lot, it failed to excite and engage as preschool did.

I'm sure things have changed then - and if not, here's your chance to do so ;) - but in South Africa, one thing that has stayed more or less the same, is the long hours.  For a small child, two hours of madressah is a long time to endure, even if they are eager to learn.

This blog, inshallah, is aimed at parents, caregivers, teachers of young children, particularly ages 3 - 6 years, to support one another in teaching our beautiful deen and Arabic alphabet, in a way that will capture and hold a child's attention, leaving a greater impact on impressionable young minds. I hope this will be a help for those parents who want their children to learn but feel that they are too young to attend a madressah, and for those teachers who want to add a bit of creativity to their classroom.

So join on our journey as we pray, play and learn together.  Spill your innovative ideas as you travel with us on our quest of wild exploration, creating a concrete yet vibrant springboard and a solid foundation for our little Muslims.

May Almighty Allah accept our humble efforts. Ameen.


  1. What an inspiring and well-needed approach. This really aims at impacting our kids in a positive way. Can't wait for the next post and to get started in making an impact of our future ambassadors...

  2. Jazakallah for your encouraging comments!
