Sunday, 20 April 2014

Arabic Alphabet Multi Sensory Learning Aleef 01

As Salaamu Alaykum

Finally, the first worksheet!  But before that, some things to keep in mind when you're teaching the alphabet:

Keep it short!
Children tire quickly so watch for signs of their attention drifting. Make sure you vary the supporting activities (mentioned in the post Arabic Alphabet: Multi Sensory Learning) to avoid boredom setting in.

Make children aware of intial, medial and final forms of letters from the very beginning.

This has a made a huge difference in teaching the alphabet.  It will be easier for a child to understand the different forms of letters if they are aware of them from the start.  They do not have memorise them all at first, but by showing them that, for example, that all these letters ببب are the same letter, then later when you plan on teaching them those letters, they are able to recognise the different forms much easier than if they had no knowledge at all of their existence.
If you are teaching two children, and perhaps one is already able to recognise the alphabet but not the different forms, then it would be a good idea to teach the two children together, so that the one who has no knowledge of the alphabet yet can see the initial, medial and final forms of alphabet and is most likely to pick it up at the same time as learning the 'big' letters.

Please keep this in mind.  I can't emphasize how much easier it has been teaching this year following this method. 

Multi Sensory Learning Activity: Aleef

For this activity you'll need

Worksheet 'ا is for ابهام ' (Aleef is for Ibhaam)
(You can download the worksheet here and the one for medial and final stage aleef here)



Each letter will have an Arabic word with which it begins. For  ا  (aleef) , it is 

 ابهام (ibhaam), which means 'thumb'.  The point of the lesson is not to learn the Arabic word, though that will, of course, be an added bonus, but to help children hear the pronunciation of the letter, and to give them something by which they can associate and picture the letter, helping their memorisation.

Use the inkpad to let the child make thumb prints inside the letter 'aleef' on the worksheet.

With each thumb print, let the child say 'ا is for ابهام '

They can then colour in the image on the side of the page if they wish. 

All activities are designed to take just a few minutes, so it's suitable for  younger children too who can't concentrate for very long. Please remember to repeat the same letter using other multi sensory techniques. 

I hope your child enjoys this activity! Please let me know how it went and if you have any suggestions to improve this. 

Letter 'Baa' coming soon inshallah.  fi Amaanillah!

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