Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Arabic Alphabet Strip

A cheery classroom is infinitely more appealing than four bare walls, so brighten it up!

I saw Arabic alphabet wall strips on Islamic Bulletin Boards and I thought they were an excellent idea. However, I wanted one with both the Arabic and the English, and no animate objects. The one available on Islamic Bulletin Boards had pictures of animals but the facial features had been erased. It only has the Arabic words though without harakah (fatha, dhamma kasra), but it includes transliteration.

The children enjoy looking up to see which letters they have done and how many are still left to do, and it also teaches them a few Arabic words.

It's a lovely visual aid and I'd like to share our Arabic Alphabet Strip with you.  You can display it as a strip all around the classroom or use it as a poster - whatever your wall space allows! I've tried both ways and feel a poster is in fact easier for children to see so they aren't constantly craning their necks.

Please excuse the poor quality of the pictures. I'm not much of a photographer, nor, it seems, a photo editor.

Just a small note: much time and effort has gone into producing all these files. Please do not edit or change them in any way without our express permission. These files are not for resale. They maybe used in schools, madressahs, at home, but in no way may you take credit for them.

What do you do to make your workspace appealing to kids? Share your ideas here! All pictures welcome!

Until next time, fi amaanillah.

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