Apologies for the long wait between posts. Time alone with my laptop is a rare occasion these days, with small one no longer having an afternoon nap.
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This is the activity we did for the letter ب (baa) ب is for بطيخ Baa is for Bitteekh, which means watermelon
For this you'll just need the worksheet (including the sheet with watermelon slices to colour in. Its part of the same file), glue, scissors, and some pencil crayons or whatever your child prefers to use to colour in. You can download the file for intial, medial and final letters here.
Cut out the watermelon slices before hand. Because the images are rather small so as to fit inside the letter 'baa', I suggest you cut them rather than your child.
Children are to paste each little watermelon
('Bitteekh') into the 'baa', and as they stick each watermelon, they
should say 'baa' (or 'baa' is for 'bitteekh'). Emphasise the 'baa' sound rather than the word 'bitteekh' itself.
You could perhaps draw similarities between the curve of the
watermelon and the curve of the 'baa', and then all enjoy eating a slice of watermelon afterwards (if season permits!).
Although the children seemed to enjoy the pasting, not all children like colouring in, but it was all I could think of for that letter at the time. However, sometime after we had done this activity, I came across this on Pinterest from No Time for Flashcards and I think it could easily be adapted for the letter 'baa'
You could simply cut out green paper in the shape of a baa, and then with pink coloured paper, cut out the same shape but slightly narrower. Let your child paste the pink on top of the green, and using a black felt tip draw little black seeds. Don't forget the 'dot' underneath the baa.
Although the children seemed to enjoy the pasting, not all children like colouring in, but it was all I could think of for that letter at the time. However, sometime after we had done this activity, I came across this on Pinterest from No Time for Flashcards and I think it could easily be adapted for the letter 'baa'
You could simply cut out green paper in the shape of a baa, and then with pink coloured paper, cut out the same shape but slightly narrower. Let your child paste the pink on top of the green, and using a black felt tip draw little black seeds. Don't forget the 'dot' underneath the baa.
Which activity did you try? I'd love to know how it went! Inshallah I'll try to get the next letter up without too many days going by.
If you've done any activities, please don't forget to send me some pictures. And if you have any ideas you'd like to share for multi sensory learning activities, especially in relation to the Arabic Alphabet, please email on prayplaylearn786@gmail.com.
fi Amaanillah